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Who we are...


Hi my name is Cara, I am the main photographer of C&M Photography. 

I have always been amazed at the emotional response a photo of the right moment or the perfect scenery can bring to someone.

I have had an interest in photography for a long time but really started doing it as a hobby with my husband in 2021 when we made the purchase of our camera.

When we started out, the main subjects were landscapes, wildlife and buildings, then the idea came that we could put our camera and our time to better and more important use... Capturing moments and making memories live on through a photo. 

And so C&M Photography was born!



Hi My name is Michael, I am the other half of C&M Photography. 

After graduating from university and obtaining a degree in Business and IT, it was a goal of mine to turn our hobby into a business that we can be proud of.

My main role is looking after the technical side of things and helping Cara with the photoshoots. 

Where are we located?

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